Documentation Archive
Here you will find all the Nixdorf documentation that I have. Everything from brochures to operating manuals to technical documentation.
If you happen to have any documentation that I don’t, please get in touch.
Media & Pictures
This section contains a dump of pictures and videos relating to Nixdorf and the 8870. There’s a mishmash of things in this section.
Help & Tips
In this section I will list any pearls of wisdom, datasheets, advice and information. In fact, anything that I personally don’t want to forget and that I think others may find useful.

Software Projects
Total Articles & Blog Posts
- January 2024 (8)
- January 2023 (43)

Sorry StarWars fans.. I couldn’t resist… but I think “a new hope” is rather apt for what I’m planning. I’ve not really done much with this website over the previous year. I’ve not had the time and to be honest, for a while, I’d lost interest. This website has been around now for several years…
Whilst I’ve been going though all the data that needs to be migrated to the new site it’s become apparent just how much I’ve forgotten, but I’ve also been surprised how much I’ve remembered. Whilst writing some of the texts it seems like only yesterday when I was living and breathing this technology on a…
On Saturday I started the re-build process for this website. I had a couple of hairy moments where I thought I’d managed to brick not only this site, but my other site;, which is hosted by the same people. I wanted to copy my HobbyElectronics site structure as it contains lots of things it’s…