Category: Datasheet

  • 8870 Technical Data Card

    This looks like some type of technical reference data card for the 8870. The downloadable .ZIP file contains all six images at full size.

  • BASF 6138 Mini Disk Drive

    I’m not sure why this datasheet is in my collection, but I assume it’s because I stumbled across this drive in something, so since I took the trouble in 2015 to find and download it, I’ve added it here. If I eventually find out “why” I had it, I’ll update this entry.

  • 8890 Mainframe DAP4 Datasheet

    This is a help card for a DAP4 with an 1526-nn CPU installed for connection to an 8890 mainframe.

  • 8251 Datasheet

    The 8251 is a Programmable Communication Interface controller and is found inside a DAP4 CPU board 1528-xx and form the interface between the CPU board electronics and the external personality interface board.