MC14411 Datasheet
The MC14411 is a bit rate generator IC and is used as the master clock rate generator within the 1882-00 and 1882-01 ALME
2114 Datasheet
The 2114 SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) chip is a 1024 word x 4 bit memory. Four of these memories are found inside the DAP4 CPU boards (1528-xx) configured as 2Kb x 8 bits and used for the video display buffer. SRAM is useful as it doesn’t require a constant refresh signal from the CPU,…
1882-xx ALME Technical Information
The PSR ALM(E); Asynchronous Line Multiplexer Extended, serves as the main interface between the computer and the outside world. ALM’s contain four identical data channels that can be configured in a number of different ways for different purposes. ALM channels are typically used to drive VDUs or modems, but can be used to connect to…
When the Logfile is full
At some point the system logbook or logfile is going to fill up and need to be printed. Some operating system version offer a reset logfile program, usually available on the Manager or System selectors, but it’s not available on all operating system versions, and unless you are running your system in a live environment,…