
  • NIROS 3.0

    The NIROS manuals contain details of all operating system updates since the previous manual; including updates to BASIC, and details of new or updated hardware. Once something has been described it will not usually be covered again in subsequent manuals unless a relevant change has been made, so to get a complete picture of the…

  • Program Tuning

    This program tuning manual contains a lot of useful information relating to how to tune and optimise BASIC programs to run efficiently. Whilst manual was published 1985 it seems to relate to BASIC 5.1 (not 7.0 as would be expected by the date). Whilst it may not relate to some of the later version of…

  • BASIC 7.0 Manual

    Here you will find both an English and German version of the BASIC 7.0 manual. I know there is an older 5.0 or 5.1 version of this manual as this was the edition I had when I worked at Nixdorf, but I don’t know if there is a more recent edition. *Note – Because of…